DOM Functions

  1. DOMAttr->__construct()
  2. DOMAttr->isId()
  3. DOMCharacterData->appendData()
  4. DOMCharacterData->deleteData()
  5. DOMCharacterData->insertData()
  6. DOMCharacterData->replaceData()
  7. DOMCharacterData->substringData()
  8. DOMComment->__construct()
  9. DOMDocument->__construct()
  10. DOMDocument->createAttribute()
  11. DOMDocument->createAttributeNS()
  12. DOMDocument->createCDATASection()
  13. DOMDocument->createComment()
  14. DOMDocument->createDocumentFragment()
  15. DOMDocument->createElement()
  16. DOMDocument->createElementNS()
  17. DOMDocument->createEntityReference()
  18. DOMDocument->createProcessingInstruction()
  19. DOMDocument->createTextNode()
  20. DOMDocument->getElementById()
  21. DOMDocument->getElementsByTagName()
  22. DOMDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS()
  23. DOMDocument->importNode()
  24. DOMDocument->load()
  25. DOMDocument->loadHTML()
  26. DOMDocument->loadHTMLFile()
  27. DOMDocument->loadXML()
  28. DOMDocument->normalizeDocument()
  29. DOMDocument->registerNodeClass()
  30. DOMDocument->relaxNGValidate()
  31. DOMDocument->relaxNGValidateSource()
  32. DOMDocument->save()
  33. DOMDocument->saveHTML()
  34. DOMDocument->saveHTMLFile()
  35. DOMDocument->saveXML()
  36. DOMDocument->schemaValidate()
  37. DOMDocument->schemaValidateSource()
  38. DOMDocument->validate()
  39. DOMDocument->xinclude()
  40. DOMDocumentFragment->appendXML()
  41. DOMElement->__construct()
  42. DOMElement->getAttribute()
  43. DOMElement->getAttributeNode()
  44. DOMElement->getAttributeNodeNS()
  45. DOMElement->getAttributeNS()
  46. DOMElement->getElementsByTagName()
  47. DOMElement->getElementsByTagNameNS()
  48. DOMElement->hasAttribute()
  49. DOMElement->hasAttributeNS()
  50. DOMElement->removeAttribute()
  51. DOMElement->removeAttributeNode()
  52. DOMElement->removeAttributeNS()
  53. DOMElement->setAttribute()
  54. DOMElement->setAttributeNode()
  55. DOMElement->setAttributeNodeNS()
  56. DOMElement->setAttributeNS()
  57. DOMElement->setIdAttribute()
  58. DOMElement->setIdAttributeNode()
  59. DOMElement->setIdAttributeNS()
  60. DOMEntityReference->__construct()
  61. DOMImplementation->__construct()
  62. DOMImplementation->createDocument()
  63. DOMImplementation->createDocumentType()
  64. DOMImplementation->hasFeature()
  65. DOMNamedNodeMap->getNamedItem()
  66. DOMNamedNodeMap->getNamedItemNS()
  67. DOMNamedNodeMap->item()
  68. DOMNode->appendChild()
  69. DOMNode->cloneNode()
  70. DOMNode->hasAttributes()
  71. DOMNode->hasChildNodes()
  72. DOMNode->insertBefore()
  73. DOMNode->isDefaultNamespace()
  74. DOMNode->isSameNode()
  75. DOMNode->isSupported()
  76. DOMNode->lookupNamespaceURI()
  77. DOMNode->lookupPrefix()
  78. DOMNode->normalize()
  79. DOMNode->removeChild()
  80. DOMNode->replaceChild()
  81. DOMNodelist->item()
  82. DOMProcessingInstruction->__construct()
  83. DOMText->__construct()
  84. DOMText->isWhitespaceInElementContent()
  85. DOMText->splitText()
  86. DOMXPath->__construct()
  87. DOMXPath->evaluate()
  88. DOMXPath->query()
  89. DOMXPath->registerNamespace()
  90. dom_import_simplexml


PHP Functions

  1. .NET Functions
  2. Apache-specific Functions
  3. Alternative PHP Cache
  4. Advanced PHP debugger
  5. Array Functions
  6. Aspell functions [deprecated]
  7. BCMath Arbitrary Precision ...
  8. PHP bytecode Compiler
  9. Bzip2 Compression Functions
  10. Calendar Functions
  11. CCVS API Functions ...
  12. Class/Object Functions
  13. Classkit Functions
  14. ClibPDF Functions
  15. COM and .Net (Windows)
  16. Crack Functions
  17. Character Type Functions
  18. CURL, Client URL Library
  19. Cybercash Payment
  20. Credit Mutuel CyberMUT
  21. Cyrus IMAP administration
  22. Date and Time Functions
  23. DB++ Functions
  24. Database Abstraction Layer
  25. dBase Functions
  26. DBM Functions [deprecated]
  27. dbx Functions
  28. Direct IO Functions
  29. Directory Functions
  30. DOM Functions
  31. DOM XML Functions
  32. enchant Functions
  33. Error Handling and Logging
  34. Exif Functions
  35. Expect Functions
  36. File Alteration Monitor
  37. Forms Data Format
  38. Fileinfo Functions
  39. filePro Functions
  40. Filesystem Functions
  41. Filter Functions
  42. Firebird/InterBase Functions
  43. Firebird/In... (PDO_FIREBIRD)
  44. FriBiDi Functions
  45. FrontBase Functions
  46. FTP Functions
  47. Function Handling Functions
  48. GeoIP Functions
  49. Gettext Functions
  50. GMP Functions
  51. gnupg Functions
  52. Net_Gopher
  53. Haru PDF Functions
  54. hash Functions
  55. HTTP Functions
  56. Hyperwave Functions
  57. Hyperwave API Functions
  58. i18n Functions
  59. IBM Functions (PDO_IBM)
  60. IBM DB2, Cloudscape ...
  61. ICAP Functions [removed]
  62. iconv Functions
  63. ID3 Functions
  64. IIS Administration Functions
  65. Image Functions
  66. Image magick Functions
  67. IMAP, POP3 and NNTP
  68. Informix Functions
  69. Informix (PDO_INFORMIX)
  70. Ingres II Functions
  71. IRC Gateway Functions
  72. PHP / Java Integration
  73. JSON Functions
  74. KADM5
  75. LDAP Functions
  76. libxml Functions
  77. Lotus Notes Functions
  78. LZF Functions
  79. Mail Functions
  80. Mailparse Functions
  81. Mathematical Functions
  82. MaxDB PHP Extension
  83. MCAL Functions
  84. Mcrypt Encryption Functions
  85. MCVE (Monetra) Payment
  86. Memcache Functions
  87. Mhash Functions
  88. Mimetype Functions
  89. Ming functions for Flash
  90. Miscellaneous Functions
  91. mnoGoSearch Functions
  92. MS SQL Server Functions
  93. MS SQL Server and Sybase ...
  94. Mohawk Software Session ...
  95. mSQL Functions
  96. Multibyte String Functions
  97. muscat Functions
  98. MySQL Functions
  100. MySQL Improved Extension
  101. Ncurses Terminal Screen ...
  102. Network Functions
  103. Newt Functions
  104. NSAPI-specific Functions